Monday, 12 February 2018

Wind, Rain and Sunshine - Bahamas

We never left the boat for 2 days while the wind blew up to 40 knots, the rain came down so fast that it filled up an empty bucket in a few hours but we did not let it dampen our spirits. I was reading a book about the youngest girl to sail around the world. Kim and Sienna did lots of school work and Kim also did a few blogs and vlogs on her channel. If you would like to read their blog then click here Sailing Britican
Simon was reading the forecast and looking for the next island to go too. He was also looking for a break in the weather as we had not registered in the Bahamas and needed to do so. Yes, its not our fault the weather was so bad that we could not get ashore but we did need to let them know we are here so we could pay our dues.

The second the weather cleared we headed ashore to get some bread, milk and also to register the boat at the customs. We met a couple who were moored next to us and they offered to take their boat to shore instead of ours as they could get closer. We would go in the dingy but we were about 5 miles away from customs and a big boat was better. We did take our dingy for the last little bit which was handy as the couple were going to do their own thing. Once we had paid our dues we were entitled to stay in the Bahamas for 6 months which was great and it cost £200 to be in their waters. Its funny as it would not cost a thing at home or in Europe but I suppose its a way of making money for them,

We were moored in a little place called Royal Island Bay and it was the perfect place to be during the bad weather as it was totally sheltered to all the elements. Well so off.
I went for a wander one day around the island and it was really nice to get away on my own. This does not mean I was not getting on with the gang because I was but, I just wanted to explore and after being stuck on the boat for 2 days during the storm it was the perfect way to do it.
The island was not big and did not take to long to go around it but I was really nice and I also saw a few birds that I have never seen before either. There was also a ruin of an old house which I later heard was a rich man's who had gone bankrupt and left it to fall down.

After a few days at Royal Island Bay we left and headed towards Governors Harbour which was just a days sail away.

   Thank you once again for reading our blog until next time......


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