Tuesday 8 May 2012

Bath Time

Now I know I said I would blog alot more but I need to be out and about around the Farne Islands to get something to blog about.

This has been the worst start to a season we have had for many years, and if it's not been strong winds it's been heavy rain that has stopped play it's been totally dead. To make things worse we have now lost more days at the sea in April than we did for the whole of last year and we will probably lose more before the year is over.

Oh well life is here to test us I suppose. Never mind back to the birds.

I was sitting on the boat the other day watching Guillemots bathing themselves when I noticed that they were totally turning themselves upside down with their feet in the air. I had never noticed this before so I had to get a picture.

The shots I got are not very good and they are taken over a few days and some of the light is not the best, but I did manage to get some pictures to show you what I mean.

I also watched a Shag having a bath but this was more like some kids splashing around in their own bath.

On the bird front around the Farnes we have all our birds back now and alot are now sitting on eggs. The Artic Terns are back but they are not settled just yet. A few more days I think and they should start to settle and you know what happens after that......Oh Yes it's hard hat time.

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